A Birth Certificate shows you were born.
A Death Certificate shows you died.
A Completed Scrapbook shows you LIVED!

An imperfect finished page is better than
an perfect page 'someday'
that only exists in your head.

Find inspiration in every day things!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Scrapbook Notebook

I keep a calendar/organizational binder with me at all times for all the family appointments, important medicine information, contact information, budgeting, etc. Depending on this binder/planner gave me the idea to have a planner for my scrapbooking.

My notebook is not fancy but it sure does help me in selecting what cardstock I need or what tools I don't need to purchase again. It’s simply called My Scrapbooking Notebook. Next time you go shopping online or in person, get your Scrapbooking Notebook out to avoid those duplicates.
I am obsessed with organizing things. In fact, I am working on helping a friend with his organizational needs and another friend just recently requested my help. Am I a professional? Hardly!

It just feels good to have things organized and make them easy to find. Saves money in the long run because you don't ever have to replace something you cannot find. It saves time because you are no longer running around looking for something you just know you have. The Scrapbook Notebook will help you with time management and getting more organized.

Step One: Find Binder

Make your own binder. Choose whatever size you'd like. Many use a 5.5x7 size because it’s easier to carry in your purse or bag. I personally use a 3-ring binder because it’s easy to add pages and rip out pages no longer needed. Don’t go out and buy a planner; use what you already have at home. My planner is not elaborate but it is FUNCTIONAL.

Decorate your binder/planner any way you wish. You are more apt to use the Scrapbook Notebook if it’s beautifully decorated. You can decorate it as simple or as fancy as you wish.

Step Two: Add Categories

The beauty of creating your own planner is that you can make it work for YOU. Choose the categories you want/need. Your categories may not be exactly like mine. My index tabs:
planner pages
shopping list
wish list

I do not keep track of paper. I don’t know how many sheets of cardstock or pattern paper I have. I don’t know what brands I own. I simply buy what I like. There are times I need a specific color because I use some colors more than others.

I also added two pocket folders. The pockets hold my receipts, sales flyers, coupons, blank paper (to write down ideas, prices, etc.), sticky notes.

Step Three: Wish List

Create a Wish List to store in your notebook. This should be a list of items you really want. When someone asks you what you want for a holiday or birthday, give them a copy of your list.

Step Four: Shopping List

A Shopping List is a must for your binder. It's a bit different than your Wish List. When you run out of a consumable like adhesive or a particular color of ink, add it to your Shopping List. When you use up the last piece of a particular color of cardstock, clip a small piece and attach it to a page in your binder so that way when you return to the scrapbook store you have it to match it up to the correct color.

Make a list of your local scrapbook stores, including chains like Michael’s, Joann’s, and A.C. Moore, along with the directions, address, phone number, and hours of operation. Make a list of URL’s of your favorite online scrapbook stores along with phone number, hours of operation, and what products you purchase the most.

I recommend using the K.I.S.S. method – Keep it Simply Simple – when putting your planner/notebook together. For example, when I started to collect Zig markers, instead of writing down each one, I simply went to the EK Success site and printed out their color chart. I then marked off which ones I had and put the sheet in my notebook.

When I buy an item/product within an indexed category, I simply write the item in the planner.

Every few months, I update my lists on the computer and print them out.

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